Create Account

To create your account, please enter the following information.

(* denotes a required field)
Personal Information

Alternate email or phone will used if there is a problem with your email address.

Login Information

The security question and answer are optional, for use if you forget your password. If you don't use the security question there may be up to a one day delay in resetting your password, to protect your account's security.

Be sure to let us know if you were referred by another customer. See our referral program to find out why.


Both subscription plans begin with a free one-month trial, which you may cancel at any time with no charge.

Signal Preferences

The final signal is generated at 4:05PM ET. Preliminary signals may be emailed earlier to facilitate trading, but there's a chance the preliminary signal might disagree with the final signal. The earlier a preliminary signal is generated, the greater this chance is.

Signal variant(s)*:

Composite and Aggressive are our most recently developed signals. You may also choose from among our older signal families.

Signal Mix:

Once the account is created, you will be prompted for your payment information. Though the subscription is set up at the beginning, you will not be charged during the one-month trial period. Shortly before the end of the trial, we will contact you for permission to continue the paid subscription — and only then will you be charged.